Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The American Idols. Part 2: What is an Idol?

If this is your first look at this series of "The American Idols" the please read Part 1 of this series.

Exodus 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before me."

This Commandment I hope we all remember from our time in sunday school.  You will look back and see that this is the first of the Ten.  But our hearts are easily forgetful at this.  "WOAH WOAH you mean to tell me that I serve an idol and not God?  Who do you think you are?" This is probably what some of you are thinking.  I know because I thought the same thing when I was accused of worshiping another god.  Yet it is true.  You see I am guilty of even to this very day.  How exactly have I worshiped other gods?  Better yet what is an Idol?

An Idol has two forms of existence.  One of which is plain to see is the Physical form.  We all have read about the jewish people during their time in the desert made the golden calf.  This is undoubtedly a physical form of Idolatry.  But it is more that just statues or buildings that are the Physical form.  It is also Pornography, Movies, Your Families, and one that is easily noticeable...Money.  A Physical Idol is ANYTHING and I repeat ANYTHING that takes our eyes off of Jesus.  The more we fix our eyes on something other than Jesus.  The deeper it becomes.

Now the second form of Idols is the Spiritual.  This is a little harder to realize a lot of times; but is the scariest form of all.  When we fix our sights on something long enough we start to crave that thing.  We want more of it.  Sometimes we cannot even be separated from this thing.  But when it gets to that point is when it gets nasty.  Simply put Spiritual Idolatry is what our HEARTS long for and what we feel deserves our time and energy.  This can be a feeling, a want, a lie you believe about yourself, and even a sin that you are unwilling to let go of.  A Spiritual Idol is anything that takes our hearts desire away from Jesus.

Next parts in this Blog series will be focused on specific things that are big time Idols in our nation and generation.  I want to strongly encourage you to please email me with either prayer requests or even Idols that I should cover.  I am NOT better than you, I am NOT perfect. I do NOT have all the answers.  But what I am is a Child of God who has to live every second of my life in constant repentance.  What I DO have is Gods grace plus the words he has given me.

Be Blessed

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