Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hope: What is it Really?

What is it you are wishing for? A better job? A spouse that treats you like the movies portray? Or maybe it is as simple as being respected? The words Hope and Wish can mean the same thing in a sense. You see there two definitions for the word Hope that mean so much to our relationship with Christ.

The first definition is the basic sense of Hope. This definition, given by the by the Oxford American Dictionary, goes as such [ a person or a thing that may help or save someone]. Okay, yes I know that we have all heard it said that Jesus is our only Hope for salvation. THIS IS 100% TRUE. So I won't elaborate to much more on this definition. I will say this though; that when it is said that Christ is our ONLY Hope it is saying that there is nothing, and I repeat, NOTHING besides Jesus that is out Hope to be saved. Phew, with that said let us move on.

The second definition, and the one this post is focused on, goes like so [a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain outcome]. Well that seems cut and dry does it not? Too many times the simple things are the ones we tend to skim over and think we have it handled. But it is so much more sometimes. What you Hope for is what your heart desires. As sons and daughters of the Most High, we should desire what he desires. I mean look at our worldly parents. All children we want to see our parents happy. Or even how wives want to please their spouse. We are called BOTH the Bride of Christ and the Children of God. So we should take those aspects of worldly desire and apply them to our relationship with God.

Now I know I focus a lot on the spiritual aspect of things. The reason for that is because Jesus himself said these words "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." This shows me that Christ was telling us that our hearts need to be focused on Him and then out of the overflow of that it will be come into the physical realm.

So, since this is part of a series of posts, I am going to make the connection between my Faith post and this one.

After we put our Faith in Christ (please read my post on the subject of faith) we start to hope for, or desire, the things Christ does.

Now to him who gives you each breath and gives you hope, be with you now and for the rest of your eternal life with him. To HIM be the Glory until the end of time and beyond. Amen

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