Sunday, October 7, 2012

Your Testimony is to Reveal His Glory

Why do bad things happen to us? Is it because of sins our parents committed? Maybe we have done something that we have forgotten and God is punishing us?  Have you ever asked any of these questions?  I know I have on several occasions. I always thought that I did something wrong and thats why God allowed my soul to become tortured (by the things I had done).  Guess you can say I deserved it.

But what about my Family?  Did they do something to have myself and others break their hearts?  It seems logical that it would be something we did.....Right?  The answer is yes it may seem logical, but it is not true.  You see Christ himself was asked these questions by his disciples.

In the Gospel of John is the famous story of the healing of the man born blind.  As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi,who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.  John 9:1-3.

So the man was not born blind for the punishment of sin?  That is a weird concept.  I mean in our day-and-age we are told that if you do bad things then bad things happen to you.  But here Christ throws worldly logic to the side and told them the truth.  Now let me tell you that caught me off guard.

Please stick with me for just a second here and allow me to go off onto a different word that I will make the connection in just a second.  The word is TESTIMONY.  We all know what this word means.  In our world a court would ask us to give a testimony as a witness of an event/crime.  So in order to give a truthful testimony we need to have seen these things or, better yet, have had them happen to us.

Think of the testimony this once-blind man had about the works of God.  Further into the chapter this man gives an account (testimony) to the Pharisees.  Or even look at it from the view of the onlookers,the eye-witnesses.  They saw the healing Jesus did and could truthfully give an account of the work of God.

So as Christians we throw the word Testimony around.  "Tell me your Testimony" or "Let me tell you my Testimony".  Do you truly understand what you are saying?  You are asking for the witness account of the works of God.  NOT JUST THEIR LIFE STORY.

So let me bring it back.  The connection here is that yes bad things happen but God will use that in your life to reveal HIS GLORY.

So far you all know I like to leave parting words.  And these are todays:


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