Friday, October 5, 2012

Make A Choice...

Choices.  We all have to make them right?  From waking up in the morning to who are we going to marry.  So I would say that every single person on this planet makes choices on a daily basis.  So let me ask us all something (including myself)...As Christians who makes our choices?

This past sunday I saw a video that really kinda hit a little too close for comfort in fact I have posted this video below.  The video talks about the difference between SAYING that we will let Jesus make the choices in our lives versus ACTUALLY ALLOWING Him to make those choices.  I will admit I didn't want to think about this all week.  I mean come on I am a Christian doesn't that kinda imply that I want to have Jesus make my choices?  Sometimes I think we all feel that way, but it is so much harder to actually want and allow him to make the choices.

Awhile back I wrote a post titled "Faith: What is it Really?".  In this post I talked about how Faith is not just believing in God; but it is more about Recklessly Abandoning ourselves and Trusting Him. (for more detail please refer to the post).  So is allowing Jesus to make our choices another way of putting our Faith, Our Trust, in him?  Yeah it is.  I mean come on I wouldn't let someone make the choices for me if I didn't trust 'em.

So is there something that Jesus is wanting you to allow him to choose for you?  Are you willing to make the choice to allow Him to do so?  Or are we going to just sit back and choose everything for ourselves?


The Choice is yours.

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