Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Faith: What is it Really?

Faith, that important five letter word to all of us who know and accept Jesus.  Yet sometimes we do not use this word properly.  I know that I am guilty of misusing it.  I used to have a saying that went like this: "Faith is when my strength fails".  Boy was I wrong.

Faith, in its most simplest form is trust.  But along with trust it is even deeper.  Faith is, from what God has shown me, best described as "Reckless Abandonment."  Now i am not saying that any of you reading this does not know what the words "reckless" and "abandon" mean.  I would just like to explain these two words separately to get to what God has shown me is the true meaning of Faith.

How many of us have been told, at least once in our lives, that we were reckless?  (laughs) I know that I would be a billionaire if I had a penny for every time it was said to me.  So what is the meaning of the word "reckless"?  Well this is how the "Oxford American Dictionary" defines it:
[ Reckless - adj - without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action.]  So being reckless, in the spiritual sense, is living and doing the things of Christ without giving two hoots what the consequences are.

Now comes the fuuuuuuun word. (hint of sarcasm). Abandon.  The same dictionary defines Abandon as "to give up completely".  I would like to put the emphasis on the word completely.  We as believers use the word surrender a lot.  But from my experience surrender is just another word for abandon.  So when we say we have Faith, we are saying that we have given up everything to God.

So What is Faith really?  To put it one sentence it is: "Recklessly Abandoning everything and putting our trust in Jesus."

Now that I have explained what faith is, I want to express why it is so important.  In the word of God there are three verses that specifically say that "The righteous will live by faith." (Galatians 3:11, Romans 1:17, and Habakkuk 2:4)  We all know that we have asked ourselves "How are we to be the righteous people of God?"  I mean that's what we are called to be is it not? But we have it put simply by Paul.  That it is not by our good works or anything else that we are made righteous. But instead we are to live by FAITH.

So let me put Faith in one Last form

I am
To trust

God bless

1 comment:

  1. Yo also if God lays something on your heart from reading this. i would love to hear it and i bet so would others reading this post.
